Monday, August 18, 2014

3rd Day of School

Today was officially the 3rd day of school and it was my first day I had to request a substitute. It is always so much more work to have to put everything together for a substitute instead of just being there. Unfortunately this one was unavoidable since my hubby had surgery. I think what's worse is the kids still don't know procedures so I'm not sure how smoothly things would go.  Even after all the planning I was still texting my aide and having him change things that I was sure wasn't going to work. Thank goodness I had a great sub because she was super flexible, even when one of the little girls threw up all over herself! Maybe it wasn't so bad to miss today! So not only did I have extra planning to do for a sub I didn't get a post about the first week here it goes.
Here is our first day of school picture! Would you believe...the night before I freaked out because I didn't like anything I owned to wear for the first grade. Next morning I slapped this together and ran out the door...without caring.

I had so much planned for the first two days...ok I'll admit it. I had way too much planned. I was afraid we'd go too quickly and I'd be done with everything and I'd have 48 eyes staring at me with the "what's next" look.

We talked about our rules in our class and I was amazed at how relieved the kids were that I only had two rules! One little boy exclaimed, "I was afraid we'd have 10!" What kind of teacher does that? Here is us coloring our rules so we later they could go home and show Mama and Daddy's our rules!
I have some great colorers! Is that a real word? Oh well...add that to Webster's Dictionary. They stayed in the lines and were enjoying adding all the details.
We also finished our first "CLOSE" reading with the book I made called School Tools. Some of the kids whined a tiny bit about the multiple readings but it was our the first book we ever read together! I loved doing it with them. It was so fun to hear them "teach" each other the meaning of words. One little girl was explaining tools as she knew them from home...things you use to fix stuff.
Perfect! It was a good first two days. I was a little nervous about missing today, but what ever didn't happen today can always happen tomorrow. Nothing is loss. The to do list is growing by the moment for the rest of the week...including printing pictures of the 1st day! So I'm off!


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