Saturday, August 2, 2014

Back to School Writing

This summer I had planned on spending my free time working on writing units to use in my classroom.  I realized that my class was awesome at writing informative writing but I was failing them in the opinion and narrative areas. So that last week of school, as I was packing up my classroom to be cleaned, I told myself that was my main goal for the summer. Guess what?! I failed miserably!

 I spent my time at the water park with the kids, floating down the river, watching movies and series I have put off the entire school year, 

 lots of traveling and...doing nothing!

 Well, not anything. I did accomplish this blog :) Now that I have a week left I have kicked my booty into gear!  I finished a writing unit for Back to I can really teach all aspects of writing! I can't wait to get into the classroom and actually use it.  Don't get me wrong...I'm still going to enjoy my last week of sleeping in and maybe one more series...but I won't be worried about writing the first week of school.  Enjoy your last few days!


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