Sunday, November 30, 2014

December continue...

We only have three weeks until Christmas break. There is so much I like to do with my kiddos but I always seem to run out of time. Our grade level is doing the Christmas play this year. It's the story about the Gingerbread Man. That takes so much time between practices and the day of performance. We do two shows during the day and one in the evening. Luckily we are doing the play earlier than normal so we have time to relax and do our Christmas unit.
Yesterday I posted my nonfiction close books and said that I would post my writing today. So here we go.
 Here are some examples from the opinion writing for Gingerbread Man. I always do lots of prewriting so the kids understand their writing. I see my own children who are given a writing prompt and told to write 2 paragraphs with absolutely no prewriting and it's awful. But if I sit them down, create a makeshift graphic organizer, their writing is more exciting!
To go along with opinion writing there is also informative writing which includes facts about the Gingerbread Man and narrative writing to create a story about how to catch the crazy cookie.

 These are samples of the narrative prewriting, final writing and rubric. I have maybe four kiddos who are getting good at using their imagination to give me ideas on our stories, but the rest are mostly following along. So we do all the prewriting together. Then they write the final writing independently. We are working on drawing pictures to match our stories because I am still getting pictures of a house, tree, sun and bird even though the story is about Thanksgiving dinner. It's like they were trained to draw those exact things in kinder and don't know how to move away. The last 2 weeks, I've given them extra time just to draw their pictures so we can draw details. It's a process.  Here's to the Winter break countdown!!

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