Sunday, September 7, 2014

5 Senses

This week we began the first of two weeks where we learn about the 5 senses. Before I begin on our reading I have to share with you a story about one of my little boys. This little guy craves positive feed back so it's a constant battle between the two of us....when to talk and when not to talk. So as we were talking about the 5 senses he raised his hand numerous times to tell me something he already knew about the subject. After the 3rd time....I stopped him and asked him to say 5 senses one more time for me. Sure enough, I had heard it right....he wasn't saying 5 senses he was saying 5 sentences. I giggled a little and repeated to him the words he said.  He laughed, slapped his knee and announced to the rest of the class how goofy he was. That lightened up the day for me.
So onto our book...this was our close reader for this unit. Amazingly I didn't have anybody moan this week about having to read it more than once. We worked on the book over 2 days for about 20 minutes each day so that the kiddos don't get that deer in the headlight look.
 The first day we read the story twice. After the first time we circled words that some of the students didn't know the meaning for.  Braille was a big word. Even though we talked about it...some still had a hard time remembering the actual word. Of course then we read it again and I had some smarty pants who asked if they could read some of the pages to us on their own. Doesn't that always make a teacher smile??? When a kiddo wants to try without being prodded and begged...WOW! I know I love it. After that second reading we wrote about the author's purpose. So far that has been easy (or has some of my kiddos say easy cheesy...which always reminds me which kinder teacher they had :) ). action shot.

Here's some of the pages as the kids worked on them. I always find it strange when the kiddos color peoples faces orange or green. I get don't have a peach crayon yet (at the beginning of the year I only give them the packs with 8 crayons) but green??? I don't get everyone sick?
Next week we get to do the actual tasting for the 5 senses....bitter is my favorite! I use cocoa powder and they get all excited thinking it's chocolate and then BOOM! You get the gagging faces, tongues hanging out as if the farther it's out of their mouths the less they'll taste eat!

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