Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Behind the name

I always wonder where some bloggers get their blog names. Some are obvious but unless you know the story behind the invisible person behind the keyboard, you may not know where they get their name. Anyone curious about the M.A.D.? It's awesome...they are my initials! (Unless you truly know me then you might be questioning my sanity...which honestly does need to be questioned on a daily basis). I'm actually very proud of my initials! Is that weird? Even if it is too bad...I've had a thing about initials my entire life. The story goes all the way back to the newborn version of me. 
Don't you love those cheeks! I didn't miss a meal even at nap time. Right Mom!

My mama named me after my great aunt. My daddy's last name started with a P so she had the M and the P. She wanted my initials to spell something and I guess thought Ann was too plain so she went with Angela. So there I was...a wee one with initials that spelled M.A.P.

So growing up I always asked people their middle names to figure out if their initials spelled something. Most often...nope just me. You can say I was always pretty happy that it was only me. 

Fast forward to those awkward dating years..whenever I started dating a new guy I would see what my initials spelled with their last name. I was mostly disappointed.  I did date one guy who's last name started with a P! I thought perfect! I wouldn't have to change...but fortunately that one didn't work out. The story comes to an end when I met my husband! 
Isn't he the cutest thing! Even while frogging!

His last name ended with D which is how my initials were transformed to M.A.D. But you know the best part...His initials spelled M.A.D. too! So guess what....we made sure our kids' names spelled M.A.D. too! We're the M.A.D. family (and not just for sanity reasons)

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