Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunflowers and more

Another week is done. It was a short one for the kiddos...since they got Friday off because we had an inservice day. I always have so many ideas on what I want to do with my inservice day but like most days my "to-do" list was WAY to long! I even downloaded a free "to-do" app for my phone so I wouldn't loose it (you know...the 2, 3, or even 4 lists you write because you lost the first, second and even third one...) but only 2 items were checked off! This week our theme was sunflowers. Writing was relatively easy this week since we only had time for opinion and informative.
 Here's how I have the informative stapled together. We complete the prewriting together on one day and then the next day they do the final writing by themselves after we brain storm an introduction sentence.
 Up close of prewrite.
Up close of final writing.
 Check out the rest of the sunflower writing package at my TPT store.
We also read about sunflowers in our CLOSE nonfiction reader.
I found an app on my phone that adds like? You can also find my close reader on TPT.

Other accomplishments this week we started our fuzzy reward system. A teacher friend (thank you Shelly!) told me all about it and how it has changed her classroom. I have been using the chart that you go up and down on but it just wasn't working. So I looked up the link on pinterest, learned all about it and now we are using it. Let me say...KIDS LOVE IT! All I have to do is walk around and drop a fuzzy or two into fuzzy bowls and BOOM everyone straightens out!
  See those fingers pointing to words! Yep because they want fuzzies!
Another accomplishment...we went to the computer lab for the first time! It was hair pulling out for me but a dream come true for them. Hopefully we are allowed more time as the school year progresses!
Next week....APPLES!

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