Saturday, September 13, 2014

Finishing 5 Senses

Have you ever had one of those weeks....where you just want to climb into bed and hide under the covers? Yep that was my week. It started with a state visit to count books and other incredibly disruptive things which completely fell apart when the adults who entered our domain were unable to count workbooks... they mistakened 26 books for 22... we should have had the kids count. I know they can count to 26. Geez! Things didn't get better as the days went by...but as I lay vertical on the couch I can finally relax. At least until the Notre Dame game begins...then I have to break the suction between my bootie and the couch to make some football food!

So let's talk about the good parts of the week. We got to finish our 5 senses unit with the best part! The tasting!! Since I've started teaching I've done the normal tasting of pretzels, mini marshmallows and lemons but I amped it up a bit. We tasted peeps (for sweet), pickle chips (for sour and salty), pistachio chews (mostly for texture), and of course cocoa powder for the infamous bitter face! I have to share the one action picture of took of the cocoa powder tasting.
 Poor Adrian...he really does seem to not like it. The little girl on the left waited for the others at her table to taste before she did anything. The girl on right was trying to hide her distaste...but I saw it. Come to find out Adrian really did enjoy the cocoa powder. By the end of the tasting he had licked his napkin clean and had it all over his face. This is why I do this! They never know until they try.

Here's our writing to go along with it. I learned from our last narrative writing...we did this one together! It was so much easy and less hair pulling out for me.
 This was our informative writing from last week.
Our week also including an assembly for 9/11. It's a nice way for us to honor those who sacrificed themselves and the innocent who didn't have a choice. 1st grade sang God Bless America. It was also a day to say goodbye to one of our teachers whose last day coincided with 9/11. He is a U.S. Air Force Reservist and his unit has been called to duty. He is being deployed to Southwest Asia. So it was a very solemn day.
 One of the best things about my own kids going to the school I teach at...I never miss an assembly. I got a good picture of Morgan but unfortunately Mia was super tiny and was surrounded by a bunch of bigger kids so she was hidden and I didn't get a good picture of her. Sad face.
Here's aiming for a better week next week! I need to start the suction starts in 1 hour...gotta get some grub going.

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